Amiya Baratan

Amiya Baratan

News Writer

Amiya Baratan is a News Writer at Livingetc with a Masters Degree in Magazine Journalism from the esteemed City, University of London. She has always loved all facets of writing, be it about fashion, beauty, or design.

Eager to transform this into an impactful career, she completed her Undergraduate Degree (BSc) in Design and Visual Communication, honing her skills as a writer. This later landed her numerous roles as a content and fashion writer and internships that resulted in bylines at leading publications such as Harper’s Bazaar and Women’s Health.

Given that she grew up in the coastal city of Chennai, India - It’s no surprise that Amiya is passionate about life outside since most of her childhood was spent outdoors. It’s this passion and curiosity that allowed her to join Livingetc and display her talents in the realm of outdoor living and gardening.

Although Amiya’s primary interest may be writing about topics she loves, her skillset is vast and was put to use as she analyzed research and data for the Beauty and Personal Care segment of Innova Market Insights. During this stint as a report analyst, she curated presentations outlining market trends, including category, ingredient, and trend reports.

In her free time, Amiya is a connoisseur of all things art, which in her mind includes the holistic vibe of one’s home. This is reflected in the content she consumes as most of her “screen time” is attributed to media in varied forms, mostly focused on how to further enhance the lifestyle she adores. In the literary world, Amiya always judges a book by its cover and finds that artfully designed binding often acts as the deciding factor when she is selecting her next read. She can also be found carefully compiling wishful Pinterest boards and listening to music, all while overanalyzing her latest Co-Star update

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