The 12 best graphic rugs that take pattern and elevate it to an art form

The 12 best graphic rugs are a mix of highly patterned high design, daring pieces that would happily take center stage in your home

Wayfair, Anthropologie, Ruggable & DWR Graphic Rugs
(Image credit: Wayfair, Anthropologie, Ruggable & DWR)

Graphic rugs present a strong statement. Clearly defined lines, prominent use of bold colors, and a strong architectural feel all come to find when you imagine a graphic rug. This makes them a natural fit for contemporary and modern interiors, both on the minimal and maximalist scale. You can play up the color and contrast of your room with a bold geometric graphic rug or dial things down with a minimal and neutral graphic rug. 

The options are endless, which can be a good and bad thing. To help you find the best rugs, we’ve searched high and low through the best home décor stores to find these fantastic floor pieces. Graphic rugs coming right up. 

Best Irregular Graphic Rugs

Best Geometric Graphic Rugs

Best Neutral Graphic Rugs

Best Outdoor Graphic Rugs

What rugs are in fashion?

Rug styles that are dominating the conversation right now include irregular shapes, be they soft and smooth asymmetric curves or angular geometric forms. Designers are seeking to break from tradition with these playful new choices and also challenge the linear nature of rooms. We are also seeing the continued resurgence of bold colors across the interior design world, popular patterns like stripes and checks are adorning rugs with new and fresh colorways. 

“I love solid rugs with strong borders or bold solids,” says, Toronto-based designer Ali Budd. Rugs are also following the trend that seems to be permeating the worlds of interiors and fashion, as we see more and more people looking to old staples of elegance and subtle luxury. “When in doubt, you can always do something like a classic check- a tone-on-tone check will always be on-trend,” adds Ali. These are rugs that celebrate a ‘less is more’ approach and showcase tonal hues and timeless patterns. 

Writer and design expert Faaizah Shah is the founder of The Interiors Consultancy. She has worked with designers such as Staffan Tollgard and design houses such as Sanderson to help them understand and communicate their narratives. She is known for crafting engaging stories and imaginative content, and understanding great decor from her years alongside some of the best creatives in the industry. She is also a contributor to Livingetc.