7 Vegetables That Love Lavender as Companion Plants — For Prettier, Pest-Repelling Growing Beds

If you're looking for what grows well with lavender, these vegetables pair perfectly with your ultra-fragrant herb, say experts

Purple lavender and green leaves in a field
(Image credit: Getty Images)

Bright, fragrant and beautiful — Lavender makes a great addition to any space and best of all, it also makes the perfect vegetable companion. Holding many benefits, lavenders wondrous scent can keep those pesky pests at bay, as well as welcoming pollinators to keep your crops healthy and happy.

'If you’re growing sun-loving vegetables in your garden, consider the lowly-but-lovely lavender plant as a worthy companion,' says Christine Schaub a gardening, home decor expert and the host of 'Come On Over' a series on YouTube. 'Not only are the purple blooms and dusty-green stalks/foliage beautiful, the lavender scent—which is so appealing to humans—deters destructive, crop-destroying insects'.

Companion planting is a great way of diversifying a space, as well as granting a healthy and happy backyard. Here are a few lavender companions you can add into your vegetable beds to get the best out of your crops.

Lavender companion vegetables

lavender fields

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Lavender not only looks great, but its fragrance lures bees and other pollinators. As for humans,l avender's scent has bountiful calming properties, so why wouldn't you want this beauty in your backyard?

As for companion planting, gardening expert and founder of Simplify Gardening Tony O'Neill says: 'Lavender is a great companion plant due to its aromatic foliage, which can deter pests and attract beneficial insects'.

So, If you're looking for what grows well with lavender, then we've got you covered — here's what the experts think.

1. Tomatoes

tomatoes growing on a vine

(Image credit: Alamy)

Knowing the best companion plants for tomatoes will grant you a healthy and happy crop. But often, just like any other plant, tomatoes can face pest infestation and lavender may just be its saving grace.

Christine Schaub gardening, home decor advisor and the host of 'Come On Over' web series, tells us: 'Their scent masks the tomato-plant fragrance, and helps deter destructive white flies and spider mites'. Christine adds: 'Bees, butterflies and hover flies flock to the lavender’s scent, then give a "shake down" to tomato pollen to enhance production'.

Hardiness zone: 5-9
Soil type: Well-drained
Sunlight: At least 6 hours of full sun

2. Brassicas 

Green cabbage in growth at vegetable garden

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Brassicas (such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage etc) make great additions for a modern vegetable garden, and they seem to be an ideal pairing next to lavender.

'Since moths, aphids, and white flies have a real distaste for lavender, they’ll avoid what they’re really after: Your brassicas,' says Christine — which why these purple perennials by your crops is a must.

If you are going to plant this herb by your brassicas, try planting lavender in containers to avoid your crops from drying out as these blooms often thrive is well-drained soil.

Hardiness zone: 5-8
Soil type: Well-drained
Sunlight: Full sun for 4-6 hours

Christine Schaub expert
Christine Schaub

Christine Schaub is the author of Queen of the Side Hustle: Unleashing Your Potential for Extra Income. She makes her living with six side gigs, including being the host of the Telly Award-winning 'Come On Over' YouTube web series about reinvigorating the art of hospitality, with an emphasis on gardening, home décor, and no-fail recipes. Her woodland garden has been featured on local garden club tours in her hometown of Nashville, Tennessee. 

3. Pepper

Red and green bell pepper on the tree with green leaves

(Image credit: Getty Images)

As well as being a tasty vegetable you can sow and eat this summer, pepper and lavender can be quite the match.

Christine says: 'Bees adore your peppers, almost as much as your lavender. Planting them together improves how well the peppers set and grow for harvest. Aphids and spider mites also adore your peppers, but will skip over them when they detect lavender in the mix'.

Hardiness Zone: 9-10
Soil type:
Sandy, loamy soil
6-8 hours of full sun

4. Cucumber

a cucumber plant growing

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Vegetable container gardening just got a little more exciting, so why not grow your favorite salad ingredients in a container? If you're adding this tasty snack into your backyard, make sure you protect them from creepy crawlies. Pests such as moths can defoliate plants and impair their growth and development.

'These gourds smell great, but lavender smells better,' says Christine. 'Moths and fleas will search for your cucumbers, but give a wide berth to your companion plant'.

Hardiness Zone: 4-12
Soil type:
Well-drained soil
6-8 hours of full sun

5. Root crops

Top view at just picked carrots on the garden soil closeup view

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Looking for some tips and tricks to make your vegetable garden look beautiful? Try planting a diverse range of root crops such as carrots.

Christine tells us: 'These root crops have similar pest problems, like flies, aphids, and moths. Lavender blooms attract their enemies—parasitic wasps and other insects—to help eliminate problems before they even begin'.

Hardiness Zone: 3-10
Soil type:
Sandy, loamy soil
6-8 hours of full sun

6. Eggplant

Eggplants growing in the soil

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Eggplant is an ideal vegetable to plant in June as they thrive and grow well in warmer conditions.

Gardening expert and founder of Simplify Gardening Tony O'Neill tells us, this vegetable is great to grow near lavender. He says the benefits are 'lavender attracts pollinators that help with eggplant pollination and can deter pests like aphids and spider mites'. As for why these two make a great pairing, Tony says :'Both plants prefer sunny and well-drained growing conditions'.

Hardiness Zone: 5-12
Soil type: Sandy soil
full sun 6-8 hours

Author Tony O'Neill Head Shot
Tony O'Neill

I'm Tony O'Neill, a gardening expert and best-selling author. I am an educator with a thriving YouTube channel that has 434,000 subscribers and receives over 1.4 million monthly views. Through my award-winning website, simplifygardening.com, I share my passion for gardening and sustainability. I've authored books including "Simplify Vegetable Gardening," "Composting Masterclass," and "Your First Vegetable Garden," empowering individuals to cultivate their own green spaces.

7. Beans

Green beans growing in a backyard

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Where to plant lavender is not as hard as you might think. Why not add it next to a tasty and nutritious treat? Tony says beans work well with lavender as a companion vegetable as 'beans fix nitrogen in the soil, which can benefit lavender and lavender, in turn, attracts pollinators to bean flowers'.

Tony says these two plants work well together as they 'enjoy sunny locations and well-drained soil, making them good companions'.

Hardiness Zone: 2-11
Soil type:
loamy, moist
4-6 hours of full sun


Which vegetables to avoid planting near lavender

Closeup of fresh lavender blooms in a terracotta pot

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Lavender plant care is understanding what works well next to these scented beauties and what does not. It is important to understand that lavender is often placed in low moisture/ well-drained soil, so be sure to keep it away from plants such as mint, hostas, ferns and hydrangeas that require a lot more moisture in order to grow.

Christine says: 'Lavender should not be planted in-ground directly next to any vegetables needing heavy watering, since they don’t thrive in dense, wet soil. So while cucumbers, celery, and squash are water-loving plants, keeping lavender uphill from their mounds makes them better companions'.

Tips on growing lavender in your vegetable garden

Christine says you should follow these methods if you want the best out of your lavender and vegetable garden.

Use containers for your lavender - Christine says It’s easier to 'control moisture and sun levels in potted lavender. If garden conditions change (more watering needed, less sun required), moving potted lavender takes seconds to help it thrive'.

Companion planting - 'Lavender appreciates a good companion, too! Adding another plant from the same region, like rosemary, keeps the natives happy and thriving'.

Give your lavender space - The expert says 'Lavender likes to 'air out' and expand its flower spikes, so crowding it with other plants is not helpful'.

What is the best way to take care of Lavender Companion Vegetables?


(Image credit: Walmart)

Gardening expert and founder of Simplify Gardening Tony O'Neill says if you want the best out of your lavender companion vegetables, you should follow these steps:

1) Soil Preparation: Tony says you need to ensure 'the soil is well-drained and slightly alkaline to suit both lavender and its companion vegetables'.

2) Watering: Next, be sure to 'water deeply but infrequently to encourage deep root growth. Lavender and its companions prefer drier conditions between watering'.

3) Mulching: 'Use mulch to retain soil moisture, suppress weeds, and maintain consistent soil temperature,' the gardening expert adds.

4) Pest Management: It is important to regularly inspect plants, Tony says this will help you identify signs of pests and disease. 'Utilize lavender's pest-repelling properties to reduce the need for chemical treatments'.

5) Pruning: Last, but not least, Tony tells us to 'regularly prune lavender to prevent it from becoming too woody and to encourage new growth. This also helps ensure it doesn’t overshadow its companion vegetables."

Faiza Saqib
Advice & Gardens Editor

Faiza is the Advice & Gardens Editor at Livingetc. To further her skills, she is currently taking on the 'Gardening in America' course with the American Horticultural Society (AHS). Faiza previously worked for The Independent as a News Feature Writer, where she crafted lifestyle, entertainment and news stories. She also worked as an Audience Editor for the newspaper for almost two years. Thriving in the busy newsroom, Faiza also spent her time crafting stories for Sky News as an SEO reporter, where she produced stories based on trending topics. Lifestyle and Interior design is a space she has been interested in for quite some time and as she blossoms in this field, she will continue to further her skills in design and gardening. Faiza has a background in SEO, social media and reporting. Her passion for writing goes beyond her work as she loves all things poetry and creative writing.