5 Tricks That Will Transform Your Uncomfortable Bed Into a Place You're Guaranteed to Sleep Soundly

There's no need to suffer through another restless night's sleep. Our expert tips will leave your bed feeling brand new

(Image credit: Cultiver)

It's no secret that the quality of your bed directly impacts the quality of your sleep. And anyone who has spent the night on a thin, lumpy mattress can attest to that fact.

But this does not mean there is no hope if you've been stuck with a subpar bed. We've enlisted the help of experts to help you discover how you can transform even the most nightmare-ish of beds into the sleep sanctuary of your dreams.

Here's how to make your bed more comfortable, so you can sleep better.

a built in bed in the center of the room

(Image credit: Cafeine. Design: Framework Studio)

1. Add a mattress topper

Perhaps the most obvious place to start, a good mattress topper can completely change your sleeping experience, providing an extra layer of cushioning for you to sink in to.

'A mattress topper is one of the best purchases you can make,' says bedding brand Silk and Snow's manager of design, Claire Spring. 'Sometimes, the foam in a mattress can become softer or more firm depending on the room's temperature, so you may notice that your bed can shift in comfort.'

'A mattress topper helps to keep the firmness of the mattress consistent. I recommend Silk & Snow’s Organic Mattress Topper to everyone — even if you love your bed! It is made with certified organic materials to provide the best sleep nature can offer.'

Audrey Scheck, Austin-based designer and founder of eponymous design firm Audrey Scheck Design, agrees, adding: 'A mattress topper can provide extra cushioning and support, transforming a firm or worn-out mattress into a more comfortable sleeping surface.'

2. Invest in your bedding

When attempting to create a super cozy, cloud-like sleeping experience, choosing the best mattress is only the beginning. The quality of your bedding can make a huge difference to your bed's comfort levels. Low-quality linen can feel scratchy and uncomfortable, and leave you feeling restless.

'Invest in soft, high-quality bedding, including sheets, blankets, and pillows to enhance comfort,' says Audrey.

With so many different options for bedding on the market, it may feel like an overwhelming decision. To help, Audrey recommends you 'opt for materials like Egyptian cotton or bamboo for a luxurious feel, and consider layering blankets for added warmth and coziness.'

Far Studio drapery bedroom

(Image credit: Far Studio)

3. Rethink your bed frame

If you have already tackled your mattress and bedding, yet still find yourself struggling to drift off at night, it may be time to try a bigger change.

'Sometimes the discomfort of a bed can be exacerbated by an inadequate or worn-out bed frame,' Audrey explains. 'Upgrading to a sturdy, well-built bed frame can provide better support and stability, enhancing overall comfort and sleep quality.'

This can also allow you to try out a new look in your bedroom, turning the space into your perfect sleep haven.

4. Switch up your pillow positions

Sometimes making small adjustments can create a major change in your sleep quality. Figuring out what parts of your body may need an extra bit of support can help you choose the perfect pillow and feel more at ease in your bed, allowing you to drift off into a peaceful night's sleep.

'Bringing in pillows that may provide support in areas of need such as under your legs when lying on your back or between your legs when lying on your side may aid in providing some comfort,' explains Dr Chad Eldridge, sleep and well-being advisor to premium bedding brand, Hästens.

a bedroom with a large headboard and wallpaper

(Image credit: Paolo Abate)

5. Regularly maintain your bedding

For the most comfortable sleeping experience, it's important to keep your efforts consistent. Even if you implement all these changes, your bed will slowly begin to lose the plushness you've worked so hard to achieve over time.

'Perform regular maintenance on your bed to keep it in good condition and maximize comfort,' recommends Audrey Scheck. 'Rotate or flip the mattress periodically to prevent sagging and wear.'

There is a clever pillow fold trick that helps you know when it's time to replace them: fold it in half for 30 seconds and see how long it takes to spring back into shape.

Most people hang on to their bedding for longer than they should, and there can start to be some serious health ramifications to that. As a general rule, if you can't remember when you bought your pillow/bedding/mattress/bed frame, it's probably time to replace it.

Maya Glantz
Trainee writer

Maya is a freelance writer and Magazine Journalism master's student at City, University of London. Her undergraduate degree in History of Art at the University of Bristol helped form her interest in interior design and architecture. Maya is a lover of curved arches, green kitchens, and all things mid-century modern and can often be found scouring the web for vintage finds.